Principal Investigator
Hanspeter Pfister is An Wang Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. Before joining Harvard he worked for over a decade at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories where he was Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist. He was the chief architect of VolumePro, Mitsubishi Electric's award-winning real-time volume rendering hardware for PCs. Dr. Pfister has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He is the recipient of the 2010 IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement award and the Petra T. Shattuck Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009. He is co-editor of the first textbook on Point-Based Computer Graphics, published by Elsevier in 2007, and was Technical Papers Chair for SIGGRAPH 2012.
Leslie Gu
PhD Student
Grace Guo
Johannes Knittel
Chunggi Lee
PhD Student
Wanhua Li
Kenneth Li
PhD Student
Yicong Li
PhD Student
Jakob Troidl
PhD Student
Simon Warchol
PhD Student
Fangneng Zhan
Zhu-Tian Chen
Assistant Professor at UMN-CSE
Daniel Haehn
Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston
Nam Wook Kim
Assistant Professor at Boston College
Robert Krueger
Assistant Professor at New York University
Eric Moerth
PostDoc at Harvard Medical School
Donglai Wei
Assistant Professor at Boston College
Yalong Yang
Assistant Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology
Bjoern Andres
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Global Head of AI Research at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence -
Benjamin Bach
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at The University of Edinburgh -
Michael Behrisch
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at Utrecht University -
Johanna Beyer
Former: Research Scientist
Now: -
Usha Bhalla
Former: PhD Student
Now: -
Gaurav Bharaj
Former: PhD Student
Now: Research Scientist at Technicolor -
Nicolas Bonneel
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Researcher at CNRS (Lyon, France) -
Michelle A. Borkin
Former: PhD Student
Now: Assistant Professor at Northeastern University -
Moritz Bächer
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Research Scientist at Disney Research Zürich -
Zhu-Tian Chen
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at UMN-CSE -
Kevin Dale
Former: Research Assistant
Now: Research Scientist at Facebook -
Tong Ding
Former: PhD Student
Now: -
Kasper Dinkla
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Software Engineer at IBM Research Zürich -
Felix Gonda
Former: PhD Student
Now: -
Constance Gontier
Former: Research Assistant
Now: -
Milos Hasan
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Senior Research Scientist at Adobe -
John Hoffer
Former: Research Assistant
Now: Software Engineer at the Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School -
Siyu Huang
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at Clemson University -
Won-Dong Jang
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Computer Vision Scientist at Amazon -
Won-Ki Jeong
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology -
Thouis (Ray) Jones
Former: Research Associate
Now: Senior Computational Biologist at the Broad Institute -
Lee Kamentsky
Former: Research Associate
Now: Researcher at MIT -
Verena Kaynig-Fittkau
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Machine Learning Scientist at Adobe -
Junsik Kim
Former: Post-Doc
Now: -
Steffen Kirchhoff
Former: PhD Student
Now: Co-Founder & CTO at -
Seymour Knowles-Barley
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Senior Software Engineer at Volpara Health Technologies -
Robert Krueger
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at New York University -
Ritwik Kumar
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Director, Machine Learning at Netflix -
Fritz Lekschas
Former: PhD Student
Now: Research Scientist at Ozette Technologies -
Alexander Lex
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at The University of Utah -
Zudi Lin
Former: PhD Student
Now: Applied Scientist at Amazon -
Tica Lin
Former: Post-Doc
Now: -
Brian Matejek
Former: PhD Student
Now: Advanced Computer Scientist at SRI International -
Miriah Meyer
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at The University of Utah -
Eric Moerth
Former: Research Assistant
Now: PostDoc at Harvard Medical School -
Carolina Nobre
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto -
Adi (Suissa) Peleg
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Computer Scientist at Google -
Leon Pietschmann
Former: Research Assistant
Now: -
Amanda Peters Randles
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at Duke University -
Sai Srivatsa Ravindranath
Former: Research Assistant
Now: Fellow of Computer Science -
Mike Roberts
Former: Research Assistant
Now: Research Scientist at Apple -
Fangyang Shen
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Co-founder & CTO of OppenFuture Technologies -
Ronell Sicat
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Research Scientist at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology -
Kevin Sidak
Former: Research Assistant
Now: -
Hendrik Strobelt
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Researcher at IBM -
Deqing Sun
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Senior Research Scientist at Nvidea -
Kalyan Sunkavalli
Former: PhD Student
Now: Senior Research Scientist at Adobe -
James Tompkin
Former: Post-Doc
Now: Assistant Professor at Brown University -
Amelio Vazquez-Reina
Former: Research Associate
Now: Head of Data Science and Engineering at SessionM
Oliver Deussen
Professor at University of Konstanz
Jean-Daniel Fekete
Scientific Leader of the INRIA Project Team AVIZ
Markus Hadwiger
Associate Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Arie Kaufman
Distinguished Professor at Stony Brook University
Marc Streit
Associate Professor at Johannes Kepler University
Li Yao
Associate Professor of Computer Science at Southeast University
Terry Yoo
Computer Scientist at National Institutes of Health