AxonEM Dataset: 3D Axon Instance Segmentation of Brain Cortical Regions

AxonEM Dataset: 3D Axon Instance Segmentation of Brain Cortical Regions

Wei D, Lee K, Li H, Lu R, Bae JA, Liu Z, Zhang L, Santos MAD, Lin Z, Uram T, and others.

arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.05451 (MICCAI), 2021.

Electron microscopy (EM) enables the reconstruction of neu- ral circuits at the level of individual synapses, which has been transforma- tive for scientific discoveries. However, due to the complex morphology, an accurate reconstruction of cortical axons has become a major chal- lenge. Worse still, there is no publicly available large-scale EM dataset from the cortex that provides dense ground truth segmentation for axons, making it difficult to develop and evaluate large-scale axon reconstruc- tion methods. To address this, we introduce the AxonEM dataset, which consists of two 30×30×30 μm3 EM image volumes from the human and mouse cortex, respectively. We thoroughly proofread over 18,000 axon in- stances to provide dense 3D axon instance segmentation, enabling large- scale evaluation of axon reconstruction methods. In addition, we densely annotate nine ground truth subvolumes for training, per each data vol- ume. With this, we reproduce two published state-of-the-art methods and provide their evaluation results as a baseline. We publicly release our code and data at AxonEM/index.html to foster the development of advanced methods.