Emergent World Representations: Exploring a Sequence Model Trained on a Synthetic Task

Li K, Hopkins AK, Bau D, Vi egas F, Pfister H, and Wattenberg M.

arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13382 (To appear at The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)), 2022.

Language models show a surprising range of capabilities, but the source of their apparent competence is unclear. Do these networks just memorize a collection of surface statistics, or do they rely on internal representations of the process that generates the sequences they see? We investigate this question by applying a variant of the GPT model to the task of predicting legal moves in a simple board game, Othello. Although the network has no a priori knowledge of the game or its rules, we uncover evidence of an emergent nonlinear internal representation of the board state. Interventional experiments indicate this representation can be used to control the output of the network and create "latent saliency maps" that can help explain predictions in human terms.


We thank members of the Visual Computing Group and the Insight + Interaction Lab at Harvard for their early discussions and feedback. We especially thank Aoyu Wu for helping with making part of the figures and other valuable suggestions. We gratefully acknowledge the support of Harvard SEAS Fellowship (to KL), Siebel Fellowship (to AH), Open Philanthropy (to DB), the FTX Future Fund Regrant Program (to DB). This work was partially supported by NSF grant IIS-1901030.