Rendering Deformable Surface Reflectance Fields

Rendering Deformable Surface Reflectance Fields

T. Weyrich, H. Pfister, and M. Gross.

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2005.

Animation of photorealistic computer graphics models is an important goal for many applications. Image-based modeling has emerged as a promising approach to capture and visualize real-world objects. Animating image-based models, however, is still a largely unsolved problem. In this paper, we extend a popular image-based representation called surface reflectance field to animate and render deformable real-world objects under arbitrary illumination. Deforming the surface reflectance field is achieved by modifying the underlying impostor geometry. We augment the impostor by a local parameterization that allows the correct evaluation of acquired reflectance images, preserving the original light model on the deformed surface. We present a deferred shading scheme to handle the increased amount of data involved in shading the deformable surface reflectance field. We show animations of various objects that were acquired with 3D photography.