Unconstrained Free-Viewpoint Video Encoding
IEEE: Image Processing, 2004. ICIP 04. 2004 International Conference on, 2004.
In this paper, we present a coding framework addressing image-space compression for free-viewpoint video. Our framework is based on time-varying 3D point samples which represent real-world objects. The 3D point samples are obtained after a geometrical reconstruction from multiple pre-recorded video sequences and thus allow for arbitrary viewpoints during playback. The encoding of the data is performed as an off-line process and is not time-critical. The decoding however, must support for real-time rendering of the dynamic 3D data. We introduce a compression framework which encodes multiple point attributes like depth and color into progressive streams. The reference data structure is aligned on the original camera input images and thus enables for easy view-dependent decoding. A novel differential coding approach permits random access in constant time throughout the entire data set and thus enables arbitrary viewpoint trajectories in both time and space.