Volume Pro - At the Frontier of Advanced Volume Graphics
Nikkei Science, 1999.
Imagine a doctor having the ability to visualize and diagnose a defect in an unborn babytextquoterights heart. Imagine a team of geophysicists being able to interact in real-time with seismic data in the discovery of a deep ocean reservoir of oil. Imagine a cell biologist visualizing in-vivo the precise molecular structure that allows a new AIDS drug to attack mutant strains of the virus. Imagine that every piece of luggage moving through airports is instantly inspected with high accuracy to ensure the safety of all traveling passengers. This is the promise of real-time volume rendering. VolumePro, Mitsubishi Electric s new family of PCI boards, provides the power to solve these and other difficult problems for the first time on PC class computers. VolumePro achieves significantly higher levels of performance and image quality than has previously existed. It visualizes not only external but internal properties of acquired or simulated 3D data through real-time volume rendering.